Forensic Science: An Introduction, Texas Edition, Second Edition © 2024
Forensic Science: An Introduction, Texas Edition, aims to make the subject clear and comprehensible to a wide variety of readers–from future forensic scientists to those curious about the subject. This program features:
- Defines nature of physical evidence
- Examines limitations that technology and current knowledge impose on characterization of physical evidence..
- Features easy-to-digest chapters with visually rich graphics and images
- Includes virtual labs that enable students to hone their forensics skills
- Course runs on Pearson MyLab® Criminal Justice
High School Forensic Science Curriculum with Digital Integratio
Forensic Science: An Introduction, Texas Edition is a a clear introduction to modern-crime-lab technology for non-scientists. It uses clear writing, case studies, and modern technology to reveal the essence of forensic science.
Basis in Real Life
Case examples are built from actual events, so students can see how forensics operates to solve crimes.
Balanced Curriculum
Forensic Science: An Introduction, Texas Edition, keeps students engaged in their learning by introducing new concepts and a challenge to apply them.
Greater Learning Opportunities
Offering a variety of end-of-chapter experiments, the curriculum welcomes more students with a range of learning styles into the forensic science class.
Access Everything
Teachers can take advantage of whatever technology they have available with the printed textbook and the online MyLab platform to offer rich instruction.
High School Forensic Science Teaching Solutions
Emphasizes application of Forensic Skills
In-text Quick Labs
Virtual Lab Content
MyLab Dashboards
Emphasizes application of Forensic Skills
Full-color photos and illustrationsStudents live in a visual world, and the functional use of full color conveys forensic science to today’s students. Over 150 full-color photos and illustrations motivate students to read.
Real-life case studyEach chapter opens with a real-life case study and stunning visual that captures students’ interest and brings content to life.
Engaging Case FilesEngaging Case Files provide students with quick and pertinent facts about real forensic cases.
Quick LabsIn-text Quick Labs are hands-on activities that allow students to apply and experience key forensic concepts.
In-text Quick Labs
Easy Fit for ClassShort, hands-on, easy-to-implement
Learn by DoingEnables students to learn by working through tasks
Practical AssessmentsAllows teachers to gauge students’ understanding of the materials
Virtual Lab Content
Online AccessAvailable through MyLab Criminal Justice
Illustrative Imagery360-degree photography, microscope imagery, and videos illuminate concepts
Forensic OperationsFirst-hand look at how forensics labs operate
MyLab Dashboards
Assignment and Test FeedbackImmediate feedback from Virtual Labs assignments and tests
Multi-tiered StatisticsReal-time progress statistics for the class as a whole and individual students
Identify Student NeedsHelps teachers to see where support is needed
Online Platform for your High School Forensic Science Curriculum
Forensic Science: An Introduction, Texas Editon fully integrates with Pearson MyLab® to show concepts, provide virtual labs, videos, and more resources to enhance in-class instruction. Pearson MyLab® Criminal Justice is a powerful online training solution ideal for both students and teachers, whether in a classroom or a remote environment. Student resources include the complete student eText, engaging videos and animations, real-world projects, as well as interactive and automatically graded quizzes and assessments.
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