77% of This School’s Dual-Credit Students Earned College Credit

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St. Augustine Preparatory Academy (Aug Prep) Case Study

At this private school on the South Side of Milwaukee, one of the most segregated cities in the U.S., students in Outlier’s dual-credit courses outperformed the AP® national average by 20%.*

Download the case study to learn more about:

  • The strategy that Principal Wallace used to triple his school's enrollment since 2017.
  • The challenges and limitations that Aug Prep faced in preparing its students for life beyond high school, and how Outlier was used as a tool to overcome them.
  • The implementation process that Aug Prep used to maximize their dual enrollment program’s success.

Hear from Principal Jack Wallace how they achieved such success—and how your school can too.

Experience the Outlier Difference

Outlier offers online dual enrollment courses that can be easily embedded into your school's course offerings. Watch our Intro to Financial Accounting course trailer to see why one high school principal said, “The content, the delivery, the way it's shot—Our kids tune out very quickly, but Outlier’s content is so engaging they don't do that.”



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* Based on the number of students who scored a 3 or above on a 2023 AP® exam.