Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 10th Edition © 2021

The 10th Edition of Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, published by Pearson, continues to introduce pedagogical developments that create an innovative learning experience. The curriculum motivates students not only to learn, but also interact with biology.

  • Modular organization built around central concepts helps students stay focused.
  • Engages students in connecting biology with the world outside the classroom.
  • Rich content provided through Mastering® Biology from Pearson.

College Prep / Honors Biology Program with Digital Resources

An innovative learning experience that addresses how students learn Biology today


Promote inquiry and citizenship

Visualizing the Concept Modules and illustrations bring dynamic visuals and text together to walk students through tough concepts. Select modules are assignable in Mastering Biology as animated videos.


Aligned literacy support

Key Topic Overview videos introduce students to key concepts and vocabulary. All 12 videos are delivered as a whiteboard style mini-lesson and are accompanied by assessment so that students can check their understanding.


Multiple learning pathways

Key figures in the text provide narrated explanations, markups, and questions for reinforcement and can be assigned through the Mastering® Biology Item Library


Multiple learning pathways

Active learning prompts that coincide with course topics coach students on interacting with the material to improve their understanding. These are accessible online or in-class through Learning Catalytics.

Teaching Solutions for Biology

  • Teaching Solutions for Biology
  • Build Literacy Skills

  • Encourage Focus on Key Concept
  • Build Connections Between Ideas
  • Chapter Openers
    Chapter Openers invite students into each chapter with a brief preview of what will be covered to help them learn and retain information.
  • Pre-Test Questions
    The Chapter Openers feature three pre-test questions that follow Bloom’s taxonomy and link to interactive versions in the Pearson eText.
  • Visualizing the Data Figures
    Visualizing the Data Figures are eye-catching infographics designed to provide students with a fresh approach to understanding concepts illustrated by quantitative information.
  • Scientific Thinking Modules

    Scientific Thinking modules explore how scientists use the process of science and discovery.

  • Critical Thinking Prompts
    End-of module questions prompt students to think critically.
  • Checkpoint Questions
    Checkpoint questions at the end of every module let students check their understanding right away
  • Chapter Summaries
    Chapter summaries include figures and text to help students review and check their understanding of the chapter concepts.
  • Figure Walkthroughs
    New figure walkthroughs feature narrated explanations, markups, and questions to reinforce important points.
  • Evolution Connection Modules
    Evolution Connection Modules present concrete examples of the evidence for evolution within each chapter, offering a coherent theme for the study of life.
  • Assessments
    Assessments include a Visual Review, Quest Findings, and a Reading Review in the Active Journal.

Take a Deeper Look at Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections



Get to know Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections with Mastering® Biology with Pearson eText.

Online Platform for your Biology Curriculum


The Pearson Mastering® platform delivers engaging, dynamic learning opportunities—focused on course objectives and responsive to each student’s progress—proven to help students absorb and understand difficult concepts.

Next Generation Science Standards

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More About Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections

  • Table of Contents


    1. Biology: The Scientific Study of Life
    2. The Chemical Basis of Life
    3. The Molecules of Cells
    4. A Tour of the Cell
    5. The Working Cell
    6. How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
    7. Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food


    1. The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance
    2. Patterns of Inheritance
    3. Molecular Biology of the Gene
    4. How Genes Are Controlled
    5. DNA Technology and Genomics


    1. How Populations Evolve
    2. The Origin of Species
    3. Tracing Evolutionary History


    1. Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists
    2. The Evolution of Plant and Fungal Diversity
    3. The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity
    4. The Evolution of Vertebrate Diversity


    1. Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function
    2. Nutrition and Digestion
    3. Gas Exchange
    4. Circulation
    5. The Immune System
    6. Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance
    7. Hormones and the Endocrine System
    8. Reproduction and Embryonic Development
    9. Nervous Systems
    10. The Senses
    11. How Animals Move


    1. Plant Structure, Growth, and Reproduction
    2. Plant Nutrition and Transport Plant Nutrition and Transport
    3. Control Systems in Plants


    1. The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments
    2. Behavorial Adaptations to the Environment
    3. Population Ecology
    4. Communities and Ecosystems
    5. Conservation Biology

    Appendix 1. Metric Conversion Table

    Appendix 2. The Periodic Table

    Appendix 3. The Amino Acids of Proteins

    Appendix 4. Chapter Review Answers

    Appendix 5. Credits

  • Martha R. Taylor

    Martha R. Taylor has been teaching biology for more than 35 years. She earned her B.A. in biology from Gettysburg College and her M.S. and Ph.D. in science education from Cornell University. At Cornell, Dr. Taylor has served as assistant director of the Office of Instructional Support and has taught introductory biology for both majors and nonmajors. Most recently, she was a lecturer in the Learning Strategies Center, teaching supplemental biology courses. Her experience working with students in classrooms, in laboratories, and with tutorials has increased her commitment to helping students create their own knowledge of and appreciation for biology. She was the author of the Student Study Guide for ten editions of Campbell Biology.

  • Eric J. Simon

    Eric J. Simon is a professor in the Department of Biology and Health Science at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire. He teaches introductory biology to science majors and nonscience majors, as well as upper-level courses in tropical marine biology and careers in science. Dr. Simon received a B.A. in biology and computer science and an M.A. in biology from Wesleyan University, and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Harvard University. His research focuses on innovative ways to use technology to improve teaching and learning in the science classroom. Dr. Simon also leads numerous international student field research trips and is a Scientific Advisor to the Elephant Conservation Center in Sayaboury, Laos. Dr. Simon is the lead author of the introductory nonmajors biology textbooks Campbell Essential Biology, Seventh Edition, and Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Sixth Edition, and the author of the introductory biology textbook Biology: The Core, Third Edition.

  • Jean L. Dickey

    Jean L. Dickey is Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences at Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina). After receiving her B.S. in biology from Kent State University, she went on to earn a Ph.D. in ecology and evolution from Purdue University. In 1984, Dr. Dickey joined the faculty at Clemson, where she devoted her career to teaching biology to nonscience majors in a variety of courses. In addition to creating content-based instructional materials, she developed many activities to engage lecture and laboratory students in discussion, critical thinking, and writing, and implemented an investigative laboratory curriculum in general biology. Dr. Dickey is author of Laboratory Investigations for Biology, Second Edition, and coauthor of Campbell Essential Biology, Seventh Edition, and Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Sixth Edition.

  • Kelly Hogan

    Kelly Hogan is a faculty member in the Department of Biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, teaching introductory biology and genetics. Dr. Hogan teaches hundreds of students at a time, using active-learning methods that incorporate educational technologies both inside and outside of the classroom. She received her B.S. in biology at the College of New Jersey and her Ph.D. in pathology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research interests focus on how large classes can be more inclusive through evidence-based teaching methods and technology. As the Director of Instructional Innovation at UNC, she encourages experienced faculty to take advantage of new professional development opportunities and inspires the next generation of innovative faculty. Dr. Hogan is the author of Stem Cells and Cloning, Second Edition, and co-author on Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Sixth Edition.

  • Neil A. Campbell

    Neil A. Campbell (1946—2004) combined the inquiring nature of a research scientist with the soul of a caring teacher. Over his 30 years of teaching introductory biology to both science majors and nonscience majors, many thousands of students had the opportunity to learn from him and be stimulated by his enthusiasm for the study of life. While he is greatly missed by his many friends in the biology community, his coauthors remain inspired by his visionary dedication to education and are committed to searching for ever better ways to engage students in the wonders of biology.


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