Career and College Exploration, Texas Edition, First Edition

Career and College Exploration, Texas Edition, helps students build career awareness and engage in deep exploration and study of the Texas CTE career clusters to create a foundation for success in high school and beyond.

It provides the essential tools students need to set and achieve career and academic goals and make positive decisions that will affect their futures.


Career and College Exploration Middle School Course with Digital Resources

Career and College Exploration is a broad exploration of career opportunities and the rewards of different career pathways.


Prepares Students for Success in Personal Financial Literacy

Builds a Personal Financial Literacy foundation for Texas students, as well as strengthens communication and math skills.


Student Toolbox for Academic and Career Goals

This course provides the essential tools students need to set and achieve career and academic goals and make positive decisions that will affect their futures.


Highlights Vital Texas Industries

This program spotlights important Texas industries, as well as covers the latest and fastest-growing career opportunities, and identifies modern work values. 


Highlights Vital Texas Industries

Career and College Exploration also covers social media and web-based job-searching strategies and current employment trends such as working remotely or in hybrid-remote positions.

Interactive eText for your Career and College Exploration CTE Program


The VitalSource™ eText enables students to access the Career and College Exploration Student Edition from any device connected to the internet.

Additional Career and College Exploration, Texas Edition Resources

  • TestGen® Test Bank and Software
  • Visual Aid PowerPoint® and Dynamic Rise Presentations
  • Texas Wrap-around Teacher Edition

TestGen® Test Bank and Software

Teachers can quickly select questions and create tests that align with the textbook. With customization available, creating multiple versions for academic integrity is an easy process.


Visual Aid PowerPoint® and Dynamic Rise Presentations

Pre-made presentations correlate to the content of each chapter, so teachers can easily use them during an in-person lecture or an online class.


Texas Wrap-around Teacher Edition

This teacher support resource provides teaching strategies and tips, discussion questions, and lesson plans to facilitate instruction.


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