Outlier Dual Enrollment Social Sciences Courses Prepare Students for College and Career Success

Problem solving. Critical thinking. Communication.

These skills are essential for any college major or career. And the best place to hone them? The social sciences

Give your students a head start with social sciences courses worth high school and college credit.

Transform your social science classroom into a college lecture hall

Accredited social sciences courses are worth actual college credit from the University of Pittsburgh.

Real College Credit

Put your students on a college track with accredited social sciences courses worth actual college credit from the University of Pittsburgh, a top 50 global school. (U.S. News and World Report, 2022 Rankings)

Top-rated instructors, mastery-based learning and unlimited tutoring in math and writing courses.

Quality + Support

Your students deserve the best: Top-rated instructors. Cinematic lectures. Mastery-based learning. Unlimited tutoring in math and writing courses. All designed to maximize their success.

We offer dual enrollment social sciences courses that flex to fit your school schedule.

Ultimate Flexibility

It’s never been easier to set up your students and teachers for success with turn-key online courses that flex to fit your school schedule.

Browse the Social Sciences Course Catalog


Intro to Psychology

The science of the mind


Intro to Sociology

Explore the fabric of society


Principles of Economics

Economics in a nutshell

Essential social science concepts and techniques needed for college credit (and then some!)

  • Intro to Psychology
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Principles of Economics

Key Concepts Covered

  • Introduction
    • The scientific method
    • Research in psychology
    • Statistical analysis
    • Ethical research
    • Cultural psychology
  • The Brain
    • The nervous system
    • The study of the brain
    • Neurons and neurotransmitters
    • The endocrine system
    • Perception
    • Vision, audition, and other senses
    • Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning
  • Memory and Intelligence
    • Encoding, storing, and retrieving memory
    • Forgetting and improving memory
    • Cognitive psychology
    • Measuring intelligence
  • Social Psychology
    • Elements of language
    • Language development
    • Personality psychology
    • Psychodynamic theories
    • Approaches to personality: trait, humanistic, behavioral, social-cognitive, and biological
    • Social influence
    • Social thinking and cognition
    • Prejudice, aggression, and relationships
  • Developmental Psychology and Abnormal Psychology
    • Emotion and emotional expression
    • Theories of motivation
    • Developmental psychology and theories of development
    • Stages of development
    • Consciousness, sleep, and other altered states
    • Psychological disorders and abnormal psychology
    • Treatment practices for mental disorders
    • The sociocultural model of psychology
    • Happiness and stress

Key Concepts Covered

  • The Field of Sociology
    • Defining sociology
    • Sociological perspectives
    • Sociological research methods
    • Approaches to sociological research
  • Culture and Socialization
    • Culture: symbols, values, and toolkits
    • Material culture and cultural change
    • Culture and inequality
    • Socialization
    • Self-development
    • Groups and formal organizations
  • Social Stratification and Deviance
    • Social stratification
    • Social mobility and poverty
    • Race and ethnicity
    • Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination
    • Intergroup relationships
    • Sociological views on sex, sexuality, and gender
    • Social deviance and social control
    • Crime and the law
  • Family, Religion, and Education
    • Sociological views on family
    • The sociological approach to religion
    • Religion in the U.S.
    • Sociological views on education
    • Educational outcomes and the opportunity gap
    • Structure, agency, and forms of capital
  • Health and the Environment
    • The sociology of health and illness
    • Health disparities and disabilities
    • Comparative healthcare systems
    • The environment and society
    • Climate change
    • Social movements and media

Key Concepts Covered

  • Supply and Demand in Microeconomics
    • Foundational economic tools
    • Supply, demand, and equilibrium
    • Consumer and producer surplus
    • Price floors, price ceilings, and deadweight loss
    • Consumer and firm behavior
    • Utility maximization and the production function
    • Implicit and explicit costs
    • Short-run costs, long-run costs, and profit maximization
  • Market Structures and Market Failure
    • Types of market structures
    • Long-run adjustments
    • Perfectly competitive markets
    • Monopoly, regulation, and antitrust policies
    • Firms in game theory: players, strategies, and Nash equilibria
    • Market failure and externalities
    • Measuring and modeling externalities with environmental policy
  • The Labor Market and Inequality
    • Public goods and common pool resources
    • The competitive model of the labor market
    • Monopsony, unions, and minimum wages
    • Measuring economic inequality
    • Causes and outcomes of inequality in the U.S.
    • Categorical and intergenerational inequality
  • Macroeconomic Models
    • Macroeconomics and economic growth
    • Gross domestic product (GDP)
    • Nominal GDP and real GDP
    • Measuring unemployment
    • Price indices and inflation
    • Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
    • Keynesian economics and the expenditure multiplier
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy
    • Federal, state, and local government budgets
    • Fiscal policy
    • Credit
    • The money market
    • Banks, money creation, and money management
    • Monetary policy and the central bank
    • The lender and dealer of last resort

School Stories

“I was blown away with how successful our kids were with Outlier.” Jack Wallace, Principal of St. Augustine Prep High School

Read Case Study

Social Science Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are social sciences courses completely online?
    Yes, Outlier courses are 100% online and asynchronous. Your students can learn with any teacher, during any class period—anywhere in the universe with Wi-Fi and a laptop or desktop computer.
  • What support is available for students and/or teachers?

    Your students have access to robust 24/7 support and unlimited tutoring in all math and writing courses. Your teachers get complete visibility into student progress in our Partner Dashboard, including:

    • Progress monitoring based on the course syllabus and schedule 
    • Grade pacing and forecasting based on students’ performance
  • What is the minimum/maximum enrollment?
    Outlier courses have unlimited enrollment. So you can mix and match courses to suit your school’s unique needs.
  • What technology does my school need to take Outlier courses?

    Each student must have access to technology that meets the technical requirements noted in this Help Center article.

  • Are there any student eligibility requirements?
    Students must be at least 13 years old. Students who enroll in an Outlier course should be ready for the academic rigor of college-level coursework and carefully consider their existing responsibilities and dedication.
  • What is the time commitment for Outlier Social Sciences courses?

    Outlier courses are as academically rigorous as they are engaging. Students can expect to spend about 45 minutes a day (about 5 hours per week), including time at school and at home. We recommend students:

    • Have at least one class period in their school schedule dedicated to their Outlier course
    • Take only 1 Outlier course at a time
  • Are there any Social Sciences course prerequisites?

    Outlier courses are as academically rigorous as they are engaging. Students can expect to spend about 45 minutes a day (about 5 hours per week), including time at school and at home. We recommend students:

    • Have at least one class period in their school schedule dedicated to their Outlier course
    • Take only 1 Outlier course at a time
  • How are Outlier Social Sciences courses structured?
    Outlier courses are divided into a series of chapters and sections. Each section contains cinematic video lectures and active learning (interactive digital textbook) that help students learn the course content. Some courses also include sample problems or flashcard sets that reinforce their understanding of course concepts and prepare them for exams. Students demonstrate their knowledge on graded assessments like weekly writing assignments, quizzes, midterm exams, and final exams.

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