By the People: A History of the United States, 3rd, AP® Edition ©2024

This program has been revised to integrate the latest developments in historical scholarship.

  • Updates include debates about immigration, Black Lives Matter, new religious tensions, the 2020 presidential election, the COVID pandemic, and more.
  • Supports the College Board’s AP® U.S. History Course and Exam Description.
  • Guides students in thinking the way historians think about evidence.
  • Offers a complete collection of support materials for AP® U.S. History
  • Text is accompanied by Pearson’s Revel® platform.

By the People: A History of the United States, 3rd, AP® Edition ©2024

By The People fully supports the College Board’s AP U.S. History curriculum framework and guides students in thinking the way historians think about evidence.


Prepares AP Students for Success

The third edition features more current research and diversity, as well as provides new features that reinforce critical and historical thinking. The AP Practice Tests also now align more closely to the actual AP exam.


Differentiated resources to reach every student.

Essays integrated within Revel let instructors assign precise writing tasks. Interactive maps enable students to explore in depth the relationship among geography, demography, and history. Smithsonian Institution videos explore curated artifacts that illuminate the American historical experience.


Updated textbook is structured to help students master its content and learning objectives.

Each of the nine program parts opens with an outline of the text chapters and the AP® U.S. History Course Framework Key Concepts covered in the part. Objectives for each main section of the chapter serve as a guide for students to the chapter’s main topics and themes.

Program Highlights

  • Robust, differentiated textbook features
  • Student chapter-review and AP-test resources
  • 21st century learning features beyond the print textbook

Robust, differentiated textbook features

  • Thinking Historically

    Thinking Historically–provides ample opportunity to practice historical thinking skills. These brief document excerpts relate the themes of the AP® U.S. History Course Framework to content within the chapter. The feature includes questions that connect to the skills.

  • Exceptional Art and Illustration Program

    Exceptional Art and Illustration Program–a full complement of maps, photographs, and illustrations support the discussions within the text and provide geographic context, as well as many iconic images of the past.

  • American Voices

    American Voices–primary source document excerpts bring history alive by introducing students to the words, thoughts, and ideas of people who lived and experienced the events of different time periods. Each document includes a brief head note and critical analysis questions to help students put the sources in their historical context.


Student chapter-review and AP-test resources

  • Quick Review Questions
    Quick Review Questions– ask students to use historical thinking skills necessary for the practice and study of history. Concluding each main section of the chapter, these skills relate to both the content of the section and the overall themes in the AP® U.S. History Course Framework.
  • Chapter Summary and Review
    Chapter Summary and Review–comprise an extensive set of review questions based on the chapter learning objectives, key concepts, and themes from the AP® U.S. History Course Framework. They continue to exercise student focus on critical thinking and writing skills.
  • AP® Practice Tests
    AP® Practice Tests–conclude each of the nine parts of the text. Using primary source documents, images, and cartoons, the tests include multiple-choice questions, short essays, and long essays to mirror the AP exam.

21st century learning features beyond the print textbook

  • Revel® from Pearson
    Revel replaces traditional texts with an engaging learning experience that prepares your students for class.
  • Text, Media, and Assessment
    Revel is a seamless blend of author-created digital text, media, and assessment based on learning science.
  • Study Anywhere, Anytime
    Students will be able to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience—anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Revel® from Pearson

Hosted on Revel® from Pearson, By the People improves AP test results by empowering students to actively participate in learning. More than a digital textbook, Revel delivers an engaging blend of author content, media, and assessment.


Artifacts as Evidence Videos – Created in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, these videos focus on a wide range of unique artifacts from the Smithsonian collection, using them as starting points for explaining and illuminating the American historical experience.


Writing Assignments – Essays integrated directly within Revel enable instructors to assign precise writing tasks. Educators can create and grade their own prompts, grade the first batch of assignments, and let the assisted auto-scoring functionality in Revel do the rest.

Correlation for AP®

Our solutions for AP® are designed to support and correlate the College Board's Course and Exam Descriptions for each corresponding course.

View Correlation

More about By the People

  • Author Bio

    James W. Fraser is Professor of History and Education at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University, where he has previously served as a department chair and interim vice dean for Academic Affairs.

    His teaching includes a survey course in U.S. History for future Social Studies teachers and courses in the History of American Education, the History New York University, Religion & Public Education, and Global Culture Wars. He holds a PhD from Columbia University. Dr. Fraser was the 2013–2014 President of the History of Education Society and is a former member of the Editorial Board of the History of Education Quarterly. He served as Senior Vice President for Programs at the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey, from 2008 to 2012. He has also served as NYU liaison to the New Design High School, a public high school in New York’s Lower East Side, and to Facing History and Ourselves.

    Before coming to New York University, Dr. Fraser taught in the Department of History and the School of Education at Northeastern University in Boston, where he was the founding dean of the School of Education. He was also a member and chair of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Education Deans Council, the Boston School Committee Nominating Committee, and other boards. He was a lecturer in the Program in Religion and Secondary Education at the Harvard University Divinity School from 1997 to 2004. He has taught at Lesley University; University of Massachusetts, Boston; Boston University; and Public School 76 Manhattan. He is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and was pastor of Grace Church in East Boston, Massachusetts, from 1986 to 2006.

    In addition to By the People, Dr. Fraser is the author or editor of twelve books, including Teaching Teachers: Changing Paths and Enduring Debates with Lauren Lefty (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018); Between Church and State: Religion and Public Education in a Multicultural America (second edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016); The School in the United States: A Documentary History (third edition, Routledge, 2014), Preparing America’s Teachers: A History (Teachers College Press, 2007), and A History of Hope: When Americans Have Dared to Dream of a Better Future (Palgrave, 2002).

    He has four grown children and six grandchildren. He lives in New York City and Rochester, Massachusetts, with his wife Katherine Hanson and their dogs, Ava and Tammy.

  • Table of Contents
    Brief Contents
    PART 1 Contact and Exploration, 1491–1607
    • The World before 1492
    • First Encounters, First Conquests, 1492–1607

    PART 2 Settlements Old and New, 1607–1754
    • Settlements, Alliances, and Resistance, 1607–1718
    • Creating the Culture of British North America, 1689–1754

    PART 3 A New Birth of Freedom—Creating the United States of America, 1754–1800
    • The Making of a Revolution, 1754–1783
    • Creating a Nation, 1783–1789
    • Practicing Democracy, 1789–1800

    PART 4 Crafting a Nation, People, Land, and a National Identity, 1800–1848
    • Creating a New People, Expanding the Country, 1801–1823
    • New Industries, New Politics, 1815–1828
    • Democracy in the Age of Andrew Jackson, 1828–1844
    • Manifest Destiny: Expanding the Nation, 1830–1853

    PART 5 Expansion, Separation, and a New Union, 1844–1877
    • Living in a Nation of Changing Lands, Changing Faces, Changing Expectations, 1831–1854
    • The Politics of Separation, 1850–1861
    • And the War Came: The Civil War, 1861–1865
    • Reconstruction, 1865–1877

    PART 6 Becoming an Industrial World Power—Costs, Benefits, and Responses, 1865–1914
    • Conflict in the West, 1865–1912
    • The Gilded Age: Building a Technological and Industrial Giant and a New Social Order, 1876–1913
    • Responses to Industrialism, Responses to Change, 1877–1914
    • Progressive Movements, Progressive Politics, 1879–1917

    PART 7 War, Prosperity, and Depression, 1890–1945
    • Foreign Policy and War in a Progressive Era, 1890–1919
    • A Unique, Prosperous, and Discontented Time, 1919–1929
    • Living in Hard Times, 1929–1939
    • Living in a World at War, 1939–1945

    PART 8 Fears, Joys, and Limits, 1945–1980
    • The World the War Created, 1945–1952
    • Complacency and Change, 1952–1965
    • Lives Changed, 1961–1968
    • Rights, Reaction, and Limits, 1968–1980

    PART 9 Certainty, Uncertainty, and New Beginnings, 1980 to the Present
    • The Reagan Revolution, 1980–1989
    • A New World Order, 1989–2001
    • New Times, New Problems, New Faces, 2001–2016
    • A Troubled and Divided Nation, 2017

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