Government in America, 18th Edition, AP® Edition © 2022
Government in America teaches students how American politics affects public policy–and shapes American society.
- The text frames the study of U.S. government within a public policy approach, focuses on the theme that “politics matters."
- It provides a framework for students to understand the difficult question of how decision makers should govern.
- Students examine the scope of government and see how politics matters in their own lives.
- Hosted on the Revel learning platform, students read and practice in one continuous experience, anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Government in America, 2022 Midterm Elections Update
Government in America AP® Edition teaches students how American politics affects public policy.
New critical thinking features strengthen student engagement.
The 18th edition emphasizes student critical-thinking features to examine multiple political perspectives on major contemporary political issues.
18th Edition updates include important events from the contemporary political landscape.
The new edition features updated material on important recent developments, including the latest presidential elections and midterms, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Supreme Court decisions.
Newly updated chapter features create differentiated learning opportunities.
The 18th edition includes Chapter Opening Vignettes informational insets, current-event bulletins, and other resources to encourage debate and deepen student understanding.
Revel® from Pearson offers an all-in-one interactive learning solution.
With Revel®, teachers can use their experiences to combine content, media, and assessment and data-driven guidance to capture students’ attention and help them stay on track. Make their lives even easier by moving your course into your institution’s existing LMS.
AP United States Government and Politics Course
Robust new features create differentiated learning and encourage critical thinking.
Updates include the latest important political events, including:
New chapter opening features and updated resources
New features make contemporary political issues relevant to modern students’ lives
Robust new features create differentiated learning and encourage critical thinking.
Polarized Politics EssaysPolarized Politics essays explore the extreme degree of political polarization today, investigating causes and consequences, the effect on policy making, and what we can do about it.
Updated Figures and TablesThe authors updated the narrative, figures, and tables to reflect the most current available data. In addition, they reference the latest scholarly studies throughout the text.
Revised Chapter 13Chapter 13, on the budget, has been thoroughly updated to reflect the central importance of taxing and spending in American government and the core issues of the fiscal and debt crises.
Updates include the latest important political events, including:
2022 ElectionsThe 2022 congressional elections and the Biden presidency
Supreme Court DecisionsCritical Supreme Court decisions on abortion, free exercise of religion and defendants’ rights
Current PoliciesCurrent policies on health care, budgeting, immigration, environmental protection, and the war in Ukraine
Impact of InflationThe reemergence of high inflation after 2020 and its political impact.
New chapter opening features and updated resources
Chapter Opening VignettesChapter-opening vignettes emphasize the significance of government and the importance of participation.
You Are the PolicymakerYou Are the Policymaker features ask students to read arguments on both sides of a current issue, and then to make a policy decision.
Why It Matters Today
Why It Matters Today insets encourage students to think critically about an aspect of government, politics, or policy and to consider the repercussions if things worked differently.
- Learn the Terms/Aprender el Vocabulario flashcards, in both English and Spanish, offer a dynamic way to engage with the lexicon of American government.
New features make contemporary political issues relevant to modern students’ lives
Political Science VideosPearson Originals for Political Science videos with new video quizzes illustrate complex concepts like federalism and gerrymandering in a simplified and entertaining way.
Current Events BulletinsCurrent Events Bulletins bring currency into your classroom with author-written articles that connect key concepts with real-life current events. New or revised articles added regularly help students engage with the course.
Politics in Plain Sight VideosPolitics in Plain Sight videos show students how politics influences their daily activity, and help them see that politics is everywhere.
Key Topic VideosSo What? videos, Current Events videos, and The Big Picture videos illuminate key topics in an engaging manner.
Revel® from Pearson
More than a digital textbook, Pearson Revel® delivers an engaging blend of author content, media, and assessment. Instructor Resources include:
Correlation for AP®
Our solutions for AP® are designed to support and correlate the College Board's Course and Exam Descriptions for each corresponding course.
View CorrelationMore About Government in America
- Introducing Government in America
- The Constitution
- Federalism
- Civil Liberties and Public Policy
- Civil Rights and Public Policy
- Public Opinion and Political Action
- The Mass Media and the Political Agenda
- Political Parties
- Campaigns and Voting Behavior
- Interest Groups
- The Presidency
- The Budget.
- The Politics of Taxing and Spending
- The Federal Bureaucracy
- The Federal Courts
- Economic and Social Welfare Policymaking
- Policymaking for Health Care, the Environment, and Energy
- National Security Policymaking
Author Bios
George C. Edwards III is University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and the Jordan Chair in Presidential Studies Emeritus at Texas A&M University. He is also Distinguished Fellow at the University of Oxford. When he determined that he was unlikely to become shortstop for the New York Yankees, he turned to political science. Today, he is one of the country's leading scholars of the presidency and has written or edited 26 books on American politics and edits Presidential Studies Quarterly.
Martin P. Wattenberg teaches courses on American politics at the University of California, Irvine. His first regular paying job was with what is now known as the "Washington Football Team," from which he moved on to receive a PhD at the University of Michigan. He is the author of numerous books on American elections, including Is Voting for Young People?, recently issued in its 5th edition. His research also encompasses how elections in the United States compare to those in other established democracies.
William G. Howell is the Sydney Stein Professor of American Politics at the University of Chicago, where he serves as the director of the Center for Effective Government in the Harris School of Public Policy, the Chair of the Department of Political Science, and co-host of Not Another Politics Podcast. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, William has written widely on American politics and political institutions, especially the presidency. He lives in Chicago with his wife, two children, and dog.
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