Classroom Management for Science of Reading-Based Instruction eBook

Free Resource for K-2 Classrooms


Classroom Management Techniques for High-Quality Reading Instruction

Awareness surrounding the importance of the Science of Reading has been growing among today's educators. And as more states and districts are making Science of Reading-based instruction mandatory, many educators are being charged with aligning their daily classroom practices with this vast body of research.

To get the most out of the Science of Reading-based instruction, it's important that it's supported by effective classroom management strategies. That's why Savvas Learning Company is offering this free resource for all elementary educators.

In the Classroom Management for Science of Reading-Based Instruction eBook, Savvas author and literacy expert Dr. Lee Wright guides us through the importance of effective classroom management when delivering evidence-based instruction, plus shares practical strategies you can start using right away.

Fill out the form on this page to get your free copy of this eBook, or keep reading for a summary of what's inside.

What Are Effective Classroom Routines?

Classroom routines are the behavioral practices that students engage in consistently to optimize learning and minimize disruptions. Effective teachers teach routines throughout the school year. Each time students are expected to use a new reading resource or text type, or engage in a new response procedure, this requires a new routine.

Effective classroom routines that can support Science of Reading-informed lessons, include:

  • How to get ready for reading lessons
  • How to engage in the lessons
  • How to transition from one lesson to another.

If we want to effectively teach Science of Reading-informed lessons, we need to ensure that we invest time in establishing effective classroom routines, and minimize disruptions that can distract you from teaching and learners from learning.

Organizing the Physical Classroom

Science of Reading-informed lessons can be greatly influenced by the physical classroom environment. When a classroom is well-organized, clean, and supplied with the right materials, it strengthens students’ motivation to learn and it teaches them organizational habits that will help them stay focused on the lesson. A well-organized environment helps students trust that they have all the resources they need at-hand in order to be successful, and those resources are located where students can easily find them.

In order to create a physical classroom environment that’s designed to support Science of Reading-informed instruction, consider the following ideas:

  • Have at least one dedicated whole-group and small-group table area for Science of Reading-informed instruction.
  • Have all teaching resources (core program and supplemental guides) clearly organized and labeled for ease of teacher’s access and away from students’ reach.
  • Have clearly sorted and organized decodable readers, student reading workbooks, and reading and writing journals inside labeled bins for ease of student access and storage.

Investing the time to create and maintain a well-organized and well-supplied physical classroom space is essential for supporting the success of Science of Reading instruction.

The Importance of Student Engagement

In today’s classrooms, student engagement activities have become synonymous with “hands-on activities,” such as clapping, snapping, or using tactile learning tools. We now know from research findings, however, that students need more than just physical activity. They also need to be engaged emotionally and cognitively to be optimally motivated to become independent readers.

When we incorporate these three types of engagement (physical, emotional, and cognitive) into Science of Reading-based lessons, students are much more likely to become motivated to:

  • pay attention to Science of Reading-informed instruction,
  • ask and respond to reading instruction questions,
  • collaborate with peers in partner and small-group reading activities,
  • follow classroom rules, and
  • personally connect with reading content.

By tapping into students’ physical, emotional, and cognitive interests, you have a better chance of engaging them in their learning and, therefore, helping them to be successful readers.

Want to learn more about how classroom management can make Science of Reading-based lessons more effective?

Be sure to complete the form at the top of this page to get your free copy of the Classroom Management for Science of Reading-Based Instruction eBook!

You can find even more information and activities, such as 50 Fun Phonics Activities and the Science of Reading Simplified eBook on the page.

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Digital Resource Library

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