Experience Math

New Math Program for Grades K-8


All New! Experience Math for Grades K-8

Student-Centered Math with Embedded Professional Learning

The best way to learn is through experience. Experience Math is a new student-centered mathematics program from Savvas Learning Company. Developed by Dr. Marian Small, Experience Math celebrates the art of teaching combined with the power of an engaged classroom. Through simple planning and high-value, in-the-moment professional learning, Experience Math helps you teach in both creative and purposeful ways.

Experience Math K-8 mathematics program teaches hands-on math with professional learning from Dr. Marian Small.

Dr. Marian Small
Renowned Author and Educator

Experience Math is a student-centered mathematics program that teaches hands-on math from Graham Fletcher.

Graham Fletcher
Contributing Author

Experience Math Is Hands-on Math!

  • Create Community through Discovery and Exploration
  • Strengthen Learning through Intentional Teaching
  • Establish Fluency through Practice and Game Play
  • Gather Evidence of Learning through Purposeful Assessment Strategies