Motivating Students with Science Stories


Stories can be a powerful way to connect with learners. Integrating stories into your instruction may also get students thinking about a science topic in a different way. I recently got a chance to talk with Dr. Jesse Wilcox who is an advocate of using stories in the science classroom to capture students’ attention and help them better focus on a particular lesson. In the episode, Dr. Wilcox shares a few interesting science stories and how educators can use compelling stories to not only motivate their students but also keep their own teaching craft fresh and exciting.

🎧 Listen to the full episode: Motivating Students with Science Stores – Keepin’ Science Real Part 3

Podcast Guests:

Dr. Jesse Wilcox is an Assistant Professor in Biology and Science Education at the University of Northern Iowa and was a former high school general science and biology teacher. Jesse has won numerous teaching awards, has presented nearly 200 times at science and STEM education conferences, and has published 45 articles in science and STEM education journals.

Leone Eickhoff-Gentry taught Pre-K and 9-12 students as a performance and technical theatre teacher, speech coach, Math and Science remediation teacher, and Drop-out Recovery instructor. She was awarded national teacher of the year in 2004 by the VSArts organization at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. Now, Leone focuses her time as a K-8 Science Marketing Manager for Savvas Learning Company. Her passion is supporting teachers and students around the world by connecting them to STEM Professionals through the Savvas Learning Virtual STEM Fairs, Professional Learning Webinars, assisting in researching and developing high quality science instructional materials.

Listen to the previous episodes in the series:

Note: Fresh Ideas for Teaching blog contributors have been compensated for sharing personal teaching experiences on our blog. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.


About the Author

Leone Eickhoff

Manager, K-8 Science